USAKF 2024 Team to the WUKF World Championships Monterrey, Mexico

28 Apr 2024 by Patrick Hickey

It is time to start identifying those going to the WUKF World Championships in Mexico and we need to collect fees so we can register you. The entry fee per event is 35 Euro. Coaches are 50 Euro. The entry fee for team competition is 70 Euro. Dan Homologation is about $100 Euro.

We are collecting a fee of $200 from each competitor. If you want three events, $240. This will go towards 2 individual events, coaching staff and USAKF membership. Team fees are extra and if you have a team, we will need to collect about $80 US in total from the team members.
If you are interested in Dan Homologation and can pick up the certificate in Mexico, the cost is $110. If you want us to mail you one, the cost is $150 as we have to get them from Mexico to the USA and then to you. We reserve the right to vet Dan homologation and a copy of your current Dan certificate must accompany your request. No 9th
or 10th dan will be processed.

Please send your fees and your events to USAKF 1550 Ritchie Road Stow, Ohio 44224.

You can also pay by Venmo to @Patrick-Hickey-52 (last four digits of phone number – 3115).

Also make sure you Get the Stack Team App (see link below) and join the USAKF team app. You can pay your fees on that app and this app will be the primary team communication app. It has the capability to create chats, a Gallery for Photos, and other pertinent links. Here is a picture of the App logo. We will also create a team and you will be able to create your own profile.

Thank you and looking forward to having a great team for the 2024 WUKF World Championships in Monterey, Mexico. Here is the link to the event details including competition categories, hotel information and other important information.

WUKF 2024 World Championships Link.

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