July 19-21 Join the Pan American Master Games - Recognized by the IOC!

19 Mar 2024 by Patrick Hickey

There is a great event in Cleveland, Ohio July 19-21 this year. Join the more than 20,000 athletes in 23 sports over the age of 35 in a celebration of sports competition. Karate is on the program!

Events are broken up by age – 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, and 65 for kata and kumite and every 10 years for kobudo.

This is the first time this event has been held in the USA!

You do not have to be part of any national team to compete. Entry is by individual.

The Pan American Masters Games is part of the International Masters Games Association recognized by the IOC. https://imga.ch/

IMGA Facebook https://imga.ch/event/pan-american-masters-games-2024/#collapse-Facebook

IMGA Instagram https://imga.ch/event/pan-american-masters-games-2024/#collapse-Instagram

Cleveland Games: https://clevelandmasters2024.com/sports/

Registration is open. Let me know if you have any questions.

Patrick M. Hickey



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